Get to know me

Type or Typo?

Behind the blog...

Hello, my name is Jemima Cox and I am the creator of 'Type or Typo?'. I am a 22 year old student studying a BA in Media, Journalism and Publishing at Oxford Brookes University. I was born in Melbourne, Australia but emmigrated to the UK just after I turned 5 years old. As a young child, with what seemed like a funny accent to her new peers, I found it very difficult to make friends. Combined with this, I was placed in the year ahead of the one I should've been in due to the differences in schooling between Australia and England. Therefore, I was never taught how to read in school. My dad would practice reading with me in the car park, during the early hours, before classes began. After finally learning to read I devoured books within days of finishing the one before, and so began my passion for literature.

Type or Typo? has allowed me to unite my appreciation for visual creation with my passion for reading and writing. I am a self-confessed Bibliophile and therefore adore anything and everything book related! In this blog, I am able to combine all these interests of mine to create an internet space where I discuss, compare, and contrast typography within the book industry.

Some quick-fire questions:

Fire, Earth, Sea or Sky? Earth

Dogs or Cats? Both!

A picture of me with my cat, Winston:

Top 3 favourite authors?

Favourite emoji? 😌

Favourite word? Ethereal

Favourite book? Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates

Favourite quote? 'It is as great a thing to love as it is to be loved. Love is not something that can be wasted.' - Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare

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